Brief examples of work undertaken by Peter Bennett. Contact for information on other work /assignments.
General Advisory
New Zealand Government corporatisation and privatisation initiatives, in particular relating to its telecommunications and electricity (generation and transmission) assets. Involvement in the initial Government separation /asset sale process, and then acting as advisor to many of the resultant state owned enterprises.
Acting for Telecom New Zealand on its initial asset acquisition and separation (including its foundation debt) from the Crown, and then for many years on its funding, financing and treasury matters and various other strategic and corporate initiatives.
Advising various industry participants on ‘tax pooling’ products offered by the tax pooling intermediaries operating in this space.
Counsel to Banque Indosuez/Credit Agricole in relation to its New Zealand operations generally.
Structured and Asset Finance
Acting for the various New Zealand (asset owner) participants on many or most of the significant cross border leasing transactions (involving major telecommunications, power generation and transmission and other infrastructure assets) transacted from New Zealand during the height of that market (1990 through 2003).
Assistance to the New Zealand lease parties to mitigate counter-party risk issues arising from the impact of the GFC on various US cross border leasing transactions, and ultimately implementing a negotiated early termination for all these transactions.
Advisor to Electricity Corporation of New Zealand (ECNZ) on its major structured financing transactions, and on the debt /treasury aspects of the split-off separations of Transpower (national transmission grid operator) and then Contact Energy.
The acquisition and simultaneous securitisation of the Housing Corporation of New Zealand mortgage portfolio (client Fay Richwhite, the project arranger).
Projects and Infrastructure
Acting for Telecom New Zealand and the Southern Cross project entities on the establishment and financing of the Southern Cross Pan Pacific fibre-optic cable to enhance internet capacity (connecting west-coast USA, Australia, New Zealand and various Pacific island jurisdictions).
The project financing of the Digicel South Pacific cell phone network (primarily involving Fiji, Tonga, Samoa and Vanuatu).
Advising the Solomon Islands government on its participation in the Solomons Oceanic Cable Company project (submarine fibre optic cable installation to provide internet traffic connection to and within the Solomon Islands).
Finance/Capital Markets
Multiple domestic and international capital markets issuances by Telecom, Transpower, Electricity Corp and many issuers.
Advising Christchurch International Airport Limited on its 2012/13 retail prospectus Bond issues.
Meridian Energy and South Canterbury Finance US Private Placements.
Advising many foreign and local banks/financial institutions in relation to participation in New Zealand capital markets transactions (e.g. South Canterbury Finance US Private Placement).
Financial Services Regulation/Insurance
Advisor to the Reserve Bank for a number of years on bank regulatory, governance, payment system, and general matters.
Advisor to a major international insurance group on various matters relating to its New Zealand insurance /reinsurance operations.
Maritime and Fisheries Law
The establishment and operation of a cross Cook Strait fast ferry operation (client being the vessel owner and overseas joint venture participant).
Acting for Shipping Corporation of New Zealand (the State owned shipping operator) on vessel acquisition and sale (the reconfiguration of the national fleet) and on its general funding and corporate matters.
Advisor to various banks, ship owners, fishing companies and other industry participants in relation to maritime and fisheries law matters.
All content on this site is © Peter Bennett 2013.